Curriculum Vitae

a full PDF version is available here.

  • ▸ PhD in Communication from University of Colorado, Boulder (2021)

    ▸ Muslim Women and the Media Training Institute from University of California, Davis (2018)

    ▸ MA in Communication and Rhetorical Studies from Syracuse University (2017)

    ▸ Certificate of Advanced Study in Women’s & Gender Studies from Syracuse University (2017)

    ▸ Certificate of University Teaching from Future Professoriate Program at Syracuse University (2017)

    ▸ BA in English, Writing and Rhetoric from Georgia Gwinnett College (2015)

  • Lecturer and Course Director, Department of Communication, Georgia State University. (Present)

    Instructor, Department of Communication, University of Colorado—Boulder

    Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Communication, University of Colorado—Boulder

    Teaching Assistant/Graduate Instructor, CU—Boulder & Syracuse University.

  • “Caucasity’s Affective Inertia: Gender and Property in Scenarios of Emboldened Whiteness” Rhetoric & Public Affairs. vol. 26 no. 4, tenatively. (Forthcoming/In Press).

    “Establishing 911: Media Infrastructures of Affective Anti-Black, Pro-Police Dispositions.” Critical Studies in Media Communication. vol 39, no. 5, June 2022. pp. 394-407.

    “Embracing a ‘Big, Black Ass’ at a ‘Tiny Ass Desk’: Lizzo’s Affective Performance of Choric Self-Love.” WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly. vol 50, no. 1/2, March 2022. pp 267-282.

    “Considering Meme-Based Non-Fungible Tokens’ Racial Implications.” M/C Journal. 25, no. 2, April 2022. n.p.

    Book Reviews:

    “Violence and Trolling on Social Media: History, Affect, and Effects of Online Vitriol (Review).” International Journal of Communication, vol. 15, March 2021, pp. 1879-1882.

    “Time Slips: Queer Temporalities, Contemporary Performance, and the Hole of History (Review).” QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, vol. 5, no. 2, Nov. 2018, pp. 128–30.

  • All courses utilized media within instruction and assignments while also disrupting the historical exclusions within the traditional Communication and Rhetorical canons to center the voices of marginalized actors and scholars.

    At Georgia State:

    ▸ Public Speaking (2 sections)

    ▸ Argumentation (1 section)

    ▸ Introduction to Human Communication (1 section)

    At CU—Boulder:

    ▸ First-Year Writing (8 sections)

    ▸ Public Speaking (2 sections)

    ▸ Argumentation (4 sections)

    ▸ Perspectives in Human Communication (4 sections)

    ▸ Social Movements (3 sections)

    ▸ Rhetorical Research Methods (2 sections)

    At Syracuse:

    ▸ Public Speaking (4 sections)

    ▸ Foundations of Human Communication (1 section)

    ▸ Oral Communication for Engineers [graduate level] (1 section)

  • ▸ Graduate Instructor for CMCI Pathways to Excellence Summer Bridge Program (2019, 2020, 2021)

    ▸ Graduate Student Assistant for McNeill Academic Program (2020-2021)

    ▸ Tutor for Student-Athletes at Herbst Athletic Center (2018-2020)

    ▸ Research Assistant to Tiara R. Na’puti (2017-2018)

  • ▸ Top Four Student Paper in Critical and Cultural Studies Division, NCA (2021)

    ▸ Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award, Dept. of Communication (2021)

    ▸ Top Student Paper in Media Studies, ECA (2016)

  • “(Wo)Manning the Phones: Gender and Affective Labor in Burgeoning 911 Systems.” Rhetoric Society of American Convention (Feminist Rhetorics), Denver, CO. May 2024

    Panel Organizer and chair: “W(h)ither Posting: When, Where, or If to Post.” National Communication Association Convention (Critical and Cultural Studies Division), Seattle, WA. November 2023.

    “The Rise of Karen: White Femininity and Digital Publics.” National Communication Association Convention (Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division), New Orleans, LA. November 2022.

    “Developing Media Infrastructures for Racialized Imaginaries: An Affective Historiography of 911 Emergencies.” National Communication Association Convention (Critical and Cultural Studies Division), Seattle, WA. November 2021. Top Student Paper Panel

    Panel Organizer: “Blue Georgia on My Mind: Discussing the 2021 Georgia Senate Elections.” National Communication Association Convention (Public Address Division), Seattle, WA. November 2021.

    “A ‘Big, Black Ass’ and a ‘Tiny, Tiny Desk’: Cripping Racial Rhetorical Criticism through Lizzo’s Performance of Self-Love.” National Communication Association Convention (Rhetoric and Communication Theory), Bloomington, IN. November 2020.

    “Settler Colonialism and Caucasity: Non/Belonging and Denial in the cases of BBQ Becky and Permit Patty” Western States Communication Association Convention (Rhetoric, Culture, and Advocacy) Denver, CO. February 2020.

    Panel Participant: "Surviving the University System in a Neoliberal Context." National Communication Association Convention (Student Section), Baltimore, MD. November 2019.

    "'I’m Calling the Police': The Affective Encounters of Hashtag LivingWhileBlack." National Communication Association Convention (African American Communication and Culture Division), Baltimore, MD. November 2019.

    “Affective Epistemology: Feeling as a Queer/Crip Way of Knowing.” National Communication Association Convention (Rhetoric and Communication Theory Division), Salt Lake City, UT. November 2018.

    “Videas Viscus: On Being Overlooked and Being Looked Over in the 2016 Presidential Election.” National Communication Association Convention (Student Section), Salt Lake City, UT. November 2018.

    “The Overseer’s Gaze and Unattainable Ideal: Beyoncé’s Lemonade as Queer Utopia.” National Communication Association Convention (Critical Cultural Studies Division). Dallas, TX. November 2017.

  • Invited Manuscript Reviewer for:

    -Environmental Communication

    -M/C Journal

    -Rhetoric, Politics & Culture

    Public Speaking Course Director. Present, Dept of Communication, GSU.

    Conference Program Committee member. Present, RSA.

    DEI Committee Member for Public Address Division. 2024, NCA.

    Chair of Public Address Division Nominating Committee. 2022, NCA.

    Lead Workshop Designer. “From Seminar Paper to Article: A Workshop on Publications.” April 2022, Communication Department, CU—Boulder.

    Lead Workshop Designer. “Digital Pedagogical Practices.” 2020, 2022, Communication Department, CU—Boulder.

    Reviewer, chair, and respondent. NCA, RSA, ICA, ECA, & WSCA, 2017-Present.

    Copyeditor. enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, & Culture. 2020-Present.